AAD Blog Articles, Reviews and Expert Advice from the skydiving crew at ChutingStar Skydiving Gear SuperStore! Everything and anything you need to know on AADs, also know as Automatic Activation Devices or Automatic Openers used in skydiving rigs as a backup safety device.
AADs: Which One To Buy?
Skydivers today have the widest choice ever in which Automatic Activation Device (AAD) to have installed in their reserve container as a backup safety device.
An AAD cuts the reserve container closing loop if the skydiver is exceeding a set speed at a set altitude. For most sport skydivers, the activation speed is the same (78 mph or greater), but activation altitudes vary from 750 to 840 feet. Regardless of the unit, it's a "last chance" deployment for a skydiver who has become incapacitated to deploy or has lost altitude awareness. For U.S. skydivers, there are four AADs that are in the majority of sport rigs world-wide. This article will focus on the CYPRES2, m2 Multi and Vigil Cuatro.
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CYPRES Trade-In Credit Info
Airtec offers a trade-in credit on your expired CYPRES unit when you purchase a new unit. ChutingStar participates in this trade-in program for any skydivers who purchase a new CYPRES from us.
Here's how it works:
- Purchase a new CYPRES unit at this link
- Within 60 days, send in your expired CYPRES unit to ChutingStar
- Include a copy of your new CYPRES order or purchase receipt
- We credit the original payment method $65 if sent with a cutter that has not been fired
- We credit the original payment method $45 if the cutter is fired or missing
- Expired unit returns after 60 days receive a credit on your ChutingStar account
- Expired CYPRES must be less than 1-year after unit expiration date
Rental CYPRES AAD Units Available!
Need an AAD during the time your unit is in for maintenance? Or just one to get you by until you can save for a new AAD, or find a great deal on a used one?ChutingStar has several CYPRES 2 Changeable, Expert & Speed units available for rental at just over $2 a day! Here's the scoop on how the rental CYPRES unit program works: Continue reading
Past Vigil Service Bulletin Deadlines
Make sure your Vigil has been updated for these service bulletins below, if your unit is affected. These were bulletins with deadlines in 2019 and 2020.
Check the info below to see if your unit is affected, and if so, please get with your local rigger to get the unit removed and returned to Vigil America for the updates.
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Vigil Battery Replacements At Manufacturer Only
In case you missed the change back in January 2017, Advanced Aerospace Designs is now requiring all versions of the Vigil AAD units to have the battery replaced at AAD Belgium or Vigil America.
The Vigil II, 2+ and Cuatro battery has a lifespan of +/- 5 years or minimum 2000 jumps and must be replaced at 10 years.
Information bulletins on battery replacements and servicing can be found at these links:
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Vigil II & 2+ PSB-01-2018 Service Bulletin
Advanced Aerospace Designs released a new service bulletin on April 19, 2018, for all sport versions of the Vigil II and 2+ with firmware versions 05.05, 05.05, 06.01 and 06.02.
This does not affect any of the current model Vigil Cuatro or Military Vigil units.
According to the bulletin, the affected units will enter a CTRL-ERR mode if the air pressure is less than 300 hPa, which is at approximately 30,000 feet.
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Vigil PSB 01-2015 Affects 1900+ Units
Advanced Aerospace Designs, manufacturer of the Vigil AAD, sent out a new Product Service Bulletin today that affects more than 1900 Vigil AAD units with cutters manufactured this year.
The PSB is a mandatory cutter inspection requiring each cutter to be sent back to Vigil America or AAD. The inspection is due to a severed closing loop due to rough edges inside a Vigil cutter. The manufacturer will be inspecting each of these cutters for sharp or rough edges for repair or replacement, and then return to each skydiver.
To see if your cutter is affected, see the SN's on the full PSB here: Â Vigil PSB 01-2015.
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CYPRES2: Altitude Offset
The unit can be set with an altitude offset for a jumper taking off from an elevation that is different from where he will be landing his parachute. Press the button to start the LED flashes. Press the button at each LED flash, but on the third LED flash, press and hold through the entire countdown. Continue reading -
CYPRES: Cutter Replacement
The cutter on a CYPRES2 can be replaced by your local rigger. The cutter should be replaced if damaged and/or if it is fired.
To replace the cutter, turn off the CYPRES2 unit. Unplug the cutter. Plug in the new cutter.
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CYPRES2: Filter Replacement
The CYPRES2 is waterproof for up to 24 hours down to 5 feet. If the unit gets wet, the filter must be replaced.
You will need a water filter replacement tool from Airtec and a new filter. Place the tool onto the filter and twist counterclockwise to remove the older filter. Dry any remaining water where the water filter is located.
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