
Skydiving and Skateboarding Events Blog from ChutingStar!

  1. Boogie with ChutingStar in 2025!

    It's time to boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie! And the ChutingStar Crew will be out there with you at drop zones all over the US, providing all the support and goods you could ask for.

    The one and only Laura Bales is packing up the van with demos from Larsen & Brusgaard (altimeters), Cookie (G4 helmets), Alti-2 (altimeter mounts), Square1 (KISS helmets), and many more. Laura is available for container, canopy and jumpsuit orders as she'll be able to measure you up and walk you through the ordering process for any of your custom gear needs, including the helmet sizing kit for the Tonfly TFX Full Face Helmet.

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  2. Several Gear Pickup Options For You

    ChutingStar's Gear Shop is closed on the weekends so our crew can enjoy their days off jumping, flying in the tunnel or just relaxing with family and friends. But that doesn't mean you can't pickup your gear when we're closed... Besides just having the gear shipped to where you live, or where you're travelling to, we also have a Pickup In Store option at checkout that gives options for pickup at our boogie tour events (when Laura has the boogie van and tent on the road), or at the drop zone our staff jumps at on the weekend, Skydive Monroe.  Continue reading
  3. ChutingStar's Socks & Water Drive For The Homeless

    ChutingStar has been blessed with abundant business over the past 20 years and most of our donations to those in need are done in private. But this year we're asking our customers to join in with a drive to donate socks and water to the homeless in our area. In Marietta GA, where ChutingStar is located, there is a homeless shelter less than a mile away and homeless people are frequently seen along the main roads. According to a 2015 Georgia Department of Community Affairs Report, there is estimated to be 14,000 homeless in Georgia. Owners Mike & Stephanie Gruwell have pledged to give away 1 pair of socks and 1 bottle of water to the homeless for every order placed online from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day.  Continue reading
  4. Want ChutingStar At Your Boogie?

    ChutingStar's Crew would love to attend every event and boogie each year!

    Unfortunately we can't physically be at every boogie, but we can help you and your skydivers in other ways. Read about the three different options below, and contact the ChutingStar Crew about attending or supporting your next boogie! Continue reading
  5. Kona the King in 2015!

    Kona is King! Kona is King!
      Have you ever wanted to see where one of the people you grew up watching in videos and looking at in magazines grew up? Ever since I watched Rodney Mullen do a “Casper Slide to Primo to 360 out”, I wanted to emulate his style. I am nowhere near as good as him, nor do I partake in that type of skating anymore but, going to one of the oldest parks in the United States is on my bucket list of things to do. It isn’t that far away. It isn’t a Carlsbad or a Venice Beach but, this mass of concrete is the “King of Parks.” The anticipation is growing as the event grows nearer and nearer. I can feel it, it happens every time. These jitters are different though, not the pre run jitters you get right before you start down a mountain, not the butterflies you get when you do that first drop in but, the warm feeling you get when you know you are about to visit one of the “Most Iconic Skate Parks in the World!”  
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  6. The tonto Boogie Raises the Sky for charity with ChutingStar

    Johannesburg Skydiving Club, November 9-11, 2013tonto-boogie-2013-food-delivery-thumb
    The skies over South Africa were full of smiling skydivers last weekend. Two planes were flying for three days, a PAC and an “Atlas Angel” (a single-prop plane with origins in the South African military). Scott Plamer and Paul Ferriman came out to fly fast and steep with the freeflyers, and Lawrence de Laubadere and I, along with local organizer Oliver Nothen, kept the wingsuiters busy with formations, vertical stacks, and docked dives. Belly flyers did some 2-plane formations, rare in this part of the world, with some very happy campers achieving the 16-ways required for a PASA D-license.
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  7. 12 for 12 Skydiving Chicks Rock 2013

    Last weekend Skydive Elsinore in California hosted its 12th annual Skydiving Chicks Rock Boogie and it truly rocked! Aside from the killer party we have all come to expect from the Skydiving Chicks Rock Boogie, Elsinore was host to some of the badest organizers including formation, freefly, and wingsuiting.
    Photo by: Oliver "Olee" Finkelde Photo by: Oliver "Olee" Finkelde
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