ChutingStar Boogie Tour

ChutingStar Boogie Tour Schedule, ChutingStar Boogie Giveaways, ChutingStar at Drop Zones, ChutingStar at your DZ

  1. Boogie with ChutingStar in 2025!

    It's time to boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie! And the ChutingStar Crew will be out there with you at drop zones all over the US, providing all the support and goods you could ask for.

    The one and only Laura Bales is packing up the van with demos from Larsen & Brusgaard (altimeters), Cookie (G4 helmets), Alti-2 (altimeter mounts), Square1 (KISS helmets), and many more. Laura is available for container, canopy and jumpsuit orders as she'll be able to measure you up and walk you through the ordering process for any of your custom gear needs, including the helmet sizing kit for the Tonfly TFX Full Face Helmet.

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  2. Several Gear Pickup Options For You

    ChutingStar's Gear Shop is closed on the weekends so our crew can enjoy their days off jumping, flying in the tunnel or just relaxing with family and friends. But that doesn't mean you can't pickup your gear when we're closed... Besides just having the gear shipped to where you live, or where you're travelling to, we also have a Pickup In Store option at checkout that gives options for pickup at our boogie tour events (when Laura has the boogie van and tent on the road), or at the drop zone our staff jumps at on the weekend, Skydive Monroe.  Continue reading

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