Argus Menu Item: Modes
How to change the mode on an Argus AAD.
Mode Sel: With the unit on, press the button twice and select the Menu option and then Modes option. Select Mode Sel option and choose from Standard, Novice, Tandem or Swoop. Press the button at the appropriate mode you want to use. Follow that by pressing the button when Confirm is shown. Wait several seconds for the unit to display the mode you selected. If the proper mode is selected, then it is ready to use. If not, repeat the process until you’ve selected the correct mode.
Firing Altitude & Speeds for the 4 modes.
- STD: 820 ft/78 mph
- NOV: 1000 ft/45 mph
- TAN: 2200 ft/78 mph
- SWOOP 820 ft/78 mph/Standby upon parachute opening.