Vigil Service Bulletin
Vigil II & 2+ PSB-01-2018 Service Bulletin
Advanced Aerospace Designs released a new service bulletin on April 19, 2018, for all sport versions of the Vigil II and 2+ with firmware versions 05.05, 05.05, 06.01 and 06.02.
This does not affect any of the current model Vigil Cuatro or Military Vigil units.
According to the bulletin, the affected units will enter a CTRL-ERR mode if the air pressure is less than 300 hPa, which is at approximately 30,000 feet.
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Vigil PSB 01-2015 Affects 1900+ Units
Advanced Aerospace Designs, manufacturer of the Vigil AAD, sent out a new Product Service Bulletin today that affects more than 1900 Vigil AAD units with cutters manufactured this year.
The PSB is a mandatory cutter inspection requiring each cutter to be sent back to Vigil America or AAD. The inspection is due to a severed closing loop due to rough edges inside a Vigil cutter. The manufacturer will be inspecting each of these cutters for sharp or rough edges for repair or replacement, and then return to each skydiver.
To see if your cutter is affected, see the SN's on the full PSB here: Vigil PSB 01-2015.
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