
Skydiving Containers Blog Articles, Reviews and Expert Advice from the skydiving crew at ChutingStar Skydiving Gear SuperStore. Read the Rigger Rant & Rave at!

  1. Stock Firebird EVO Containers Available!

    Firebird, which manufacturers the EVO container and RUSH reserve, now has a stock list of available containers for a quick turnaround time.

    Ready In stock rigs usually take 2 weeks to ship, Stock rigs in production take around 4-6 weeks and custom orders take around 6 weeks (all times as of November 25, 2024, and are subject to change).
    Turnaround on RUSH reserves are around 4-6 weeks

    Following canopy sizes will fit containers noted above: L 210-170 SF, M 135-170 SF, S 120-150 SF

    The base price is the same as custom, $3750, but you get it faster than a custom order.

    For more details and/or to place an order, contact ChutingStar at this link

    Below, and above, are photos of the stock container patterns.

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  2. UPT Stock Container List

    UPT has stock Vector sport rigs available, some discounted. These never last long, so here are the details (as of November 25, 2024).

    The images above and below (click each to enlarge) have more details on each container. Contact ChutingStar to confirm availability, get final pricing and to place an order.

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  3. Is This Used Container A Good Deal?

    We know new skydiving gear is expensive, and that it's very tempting to buy a used rig from someone you don't know on Facebook because the price is so much lower. But before you end up spending money on a rig you'll never be able to jump, make sure you read the August 2018 interview with ChutingStar owner Mike Gruwell in USPA's Parachutist Magazine at this link. A used container can be a great deal, as long as it fits you, is in good condition and will fit the canopies you can currently jump. But it can also be the worst deal ever if you can't jump it or get your money back.  Continue reading
  4. Skydive Container Options Explained

    Confused by the volume and names of container options when ordering a new rig or looking through the list on a used or stock rig? Fear not, the ChutingStar Crew has put together a series of 17 short, one-minute videos that explains each option available on a skydiving rig. These include videos on articulation, back pads, MARDs, free fly mods, riser covers, riser types and more! Check out this playlist! Continue reading
  5. Rigging Innovations New Mojo MARD

    Rigging Innovations has added the long-awaited MOJO MARD system to it's container options for the CURV and CPX harness/container systems. The most well-known example of a MARD system is the Skyhook by United Parachute Technologies. MARD stands for Main-Assisted Reserve Deployment System and is basically an RSL (reserve static line) on steroids. When using a MARD system and you cutaway your main, the main essentially becomes your reserve pilot chute. This results in a much quicker transition sequence from a cutaway to an open reserve canopy. The MOJO can be added to any new order of an RI Curv or CPX container from ChutingStar at Continue reading
  6. UPT Main Mini-Risers Review

    UPT Main Mini-Risers Review UPT Main Mini-Risers Review
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  7. Slider Blocks: The Slider Keeper Without Rig Attachment

    Past posts on rigging forums at one time focused on one manufacturer's solution to keeping a collapsed slider at the base of the risers after opening without anchoring the slider to the container. Many jumpers have concerns about a number of slider holders that connect the slider to the top of the reserve container, which could potentially cause a cutaway delay.

    When Team Method (Steve-O Utter, T.J. Landgren and Nate Gilbert) arrived at Atlanta Skydiving Center in 2001, the freefly team showed-off a new slider block design. Over the next few years, ChutingStar riggers tweaked and modified the design for strength, durability and aesthetics.

    Stowed Slider with Slider Blocks
    Stowed Slider with Slider Blocks
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  8. Mirage Unisyn Chest/Hip Rings Harness

    Unisyn Mirage Harness Hip Rings

    Mirage Systems International recently released a 4-ring harness called Unisyn. The company is touting its design as being better than others on the market (and I will reprint their reasons later in this article), but what I really like about the design is the padding attachments under the four rings.

    The two chest rings and the two hip rings have padding between the wearer and the rings. So in addition to providing a better overall fit, the harness itself is more comfortable to wear. For those looking to purchase a high-quality rig with all the extras, I recommend going the extra mile and adding the Unisyn option; it is well worth it at $300.

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  9. 7 Raves on the Basik Seven

    (Published in Blue Skies Magazine) If the "small things" in life grab you, then you'll be taken by the Seven. This French-made rig is the brainchild of Basik Air Concept's Jérôme Bunker. Basik's Seven container has a minefield of surprises for skydivers and riggers alike. I assembled, inspected and packed my first Seven container last month, and was impressed by the attention to detail and the several of the design features. As a rigger, my first “Aha!” was with the full protection pocket for the AAD cutter at the base of the reserve container. In essence this keeps the entire cutter enclosed, allowing just the hole open to feed the closing loop through. It’s a clear concept change from the usual elastic keeper in most rigs to hold the base of the cutter in place, but leaving the rest of the cutter and some of the cable exposed as a possible snag point for reserve lines. Continue reading
  10. Dolphin Tuck Tab Mod

    Several years ago, Dolphin container designer, Mike Furry, updated the most affordable sport skydiving container on the market making the newest Altico Dolphin rigs even more freefly friendly.Dolphin Tuck Tab Mod Older Dolphin containers were definitely made with affordable in mind. Dolphin containers have long been a solid choice for student operations, belly fliers and new skydivers looking for a well-designed new rig at a used gear price. But as freefly positions have become a mainstay of the skydiving industry, Mike Furry has had to update and modify the Dolphin container to keep those higher skydiving speeds in mind. Continue reading

Items 1 to 10 of 21 total
