Mirage Unisyn Chest/Hip Rings Harness
Mirage Systems International recently released a 4-ring harness called Unisyn. The company is touting its design as being better than others on the market (and I will reprint their reasons later in this article), but what I really like about the design is the padding attachments under the four rings.
The two chest rings and the two hip rings have padding between the wearer and the rings. So in addition to providing a better overall fit, the harness itself is more comfortable to wear. For those looking to purchase a high-quality rig with all the extras, I recommend going the extra mile and adding the Unisyn option; it is well worth it at $300.
Here is what Mirage has to say on the Unisyn system: “At the lower junction, the ring is attached at the natural junction of the main lift web with the lateral webbing, resulting in virtually no bending or twisting of the webbing at the waist, and a more natural articulation. The leg straps are attached to the lower ring at a single point rather than two, for smoother articulation. The single attachment is made from Type 8 (4000 lb.) webbing lined with Type 17 (miniriser, 2500 lb.) webbing for strength and body.”
To get an order under way for a new Mirage G4 Harness/Container, see the ChutingStar listing at this link.
For more information on why Mirage believes their system is superior, visit their web site at www.miragesys.com.