Vigil AAD
Past Vigil Service Bulletin Deadlines
Make sure your Vigil has been updated for these service bulletins below, if your unit is affected. These were bulletins with deadlines in 2019 and 2020.
Check the info below to see if your unit is affected, and if so, please get with your local rigger to get the unit removed and returned to Vigil America for the updates.
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Vigil Battery Replacements At Manufacturer Only
In case you missed the change back in January 2017, Advanced Aerospace Designs is now requiring all versions of the Vigil AAD units to have the battery replaced at AAD Belgium or Vigil America.
The Vigil II, 2+ and Cuatro battery has a lifespan of +/- 5 years or minimum 2000 jumps and must be replaced at 10 years.
Information bulletins on battery replacements and servicing can be found at these links:
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Vigil PSB 01-2015 Affects 1900+ Units
Advanced Aerospace Designs, manufacturer of the Vigil AAD, sent out a new Product Service Bulletin today that affects more than 1900 Vigil AAD units with cutters manufactured this year.
The PSB is a mandatory cutter inspection requiring each cutter to be sent back to Vigil America or AAD. The inspection is due to a severed closing loop due to rough edges inside a Vigil cutter. The manufacturer will be inspecting each of these cutters for sharp or rough edges for repair or replacement, and then return to each skydiver.
To see if your cutter is affected, see the SN's on the full PSB here: Â Vigil PSB 01-2015.
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Vigil AAD Menu Item: Config
To enter the Config menu, press the button after the self-test section immediately on startup when the menu item "Config" is displayed. In the Configuration menu, you can change the type of measurements, the character orientation on the display and the contrast of the display. Continue reading -
Vigil AAD Menu Item: Info
To enter the Info menu, press the button after the self-test section immediately on startup when the menu item "Info" is displayed. -
Vigil AAD Operations Overview
The Vigil Cuatro (and past units I, II & II+) is manufactured by Advanced Aersospace Designs out of Belgium. It has three parts: Main Box, Cutter and Control Unit. The Vigil II turns on with 4 button pushes. The first wakes it up, which is followed by a Hello and the Vigil II. As the red LED flashes on the side of the unit, press the button.
After the 4th button push, the unit will perform a series of self tests on the battery, cutter and control units. This is followed by three different menu items (Setup, Info and Config) that flash on the screen. The screen will then show Enjoy followed by the mode the unit is currently set in: Pro, Student or Tandem. If you press the button while the unit shows Enjoy, you can re-enter the menu items of Setup, Info and Config.
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