Buddy checks in skydiving

  1. Do You Know Your Rig?

    (Also published in Australian Skydiver Magazine)

    Many times when a skydiver purchases their first rig there is a lack of information or education on how to care for their rig.

    The following detailed list I put together in 1999 to give to everyone who purchased their first skydiving rig. It has been updated every year since then, and now applies to all skydivers for help inspecting their gear. It is a great resource for all new skydivers as well as for seasoned skygods who have had some downtime.

    Enjoy...and tell others to check it out.

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  2. Mirage: Pin Check Procedures

    All manufacturer's skydiving rigs are slightly different, so check this video and description out on how to give a pin check and put all the flaps back in place for your buddy's Mirage container.

    The reserve pin cover flap can be lifted up to check the reserve pin, reserve closing loop and seal. To reclose the flap, tuck the side flaps first than tuck the bottom of the flap down. Make sure the flaps are fully seated and the flap is flat.

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